At the end of completion of this course unit, the BAMS undergraduate student should be able to;

  • define the term Manas and its application in the context of Ayurveda,
  • explain different types of personalities (Brahmakaya, Devakaya, Gandharvakaya etc),
  • describe different cognitive process, comprehend memory process, short term memory and with long term memory, causes of forgetting, method of improving memory. Concept of thinking and its application to health care, nature of intelligence and growth of intelligence.
  • diagnose and treat common psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia, acute manic episode, depression, anxiety disorders including phobias and OCD, conversion and dissociative disorders, alcohol and drug dependence and withdrawal states. 
  • diagnose common psychiatric disorders in children, role of counseling and psychological therapies in treatment of psychiatric disorders.
  • demonstrate role of psychological testing in assessment of psychiatric disorders.  

At the end of completion of this course unit, the BAMS undergraduate student should be able to;

  • Describe the various manifestations of infectious and non-infectious diseases.
  • Explain the basic principle of history taking and clinical examinations.
  • Elicit a detailed history; perform a thorough physical examination including mental status examination and examination of an unconscious patient.
  • Interpret reasonably the relevant investigations.
  • Professionally present and discuss the principle involved in the management of the patient, initiate first line management and outline short-term and long term management.
  • Manage acute medical emergencies like acute myocardial infarction, acute pulmonary edema, acute anaphylactic and hypovolemic shock, status asthmaticus, tension pneumothorax, status epilepticus, hyperpyrexia, haemoptysis, gastrointestinal bleeding, diabetic coma, electric shock, drowning, snake bites, common poisoning etc.
  • Correlate the clinical symptoms and physical signs to make a provisional anatomical, physiological, etiopathological diagnosis along with the functional disability and suggest relevant investigation.